How we are funded

The Diocese of Rochester is a wonderfully diverse and vibrant community of faith, with each parish facing different challenges and having different needs.

Our shared Called Together vision expresses our ambition to meet these challenges as a family of faith. Supporting each other means pooling our resources and sharing costs too.

We do this through The Common Fund - the common pot of money paid into by congregations across the Diocese. 

Watch this short animation to find out how the money paid into by parishes goes to help support mission and ministry across the Diocese. 

Why we do this

We read in the New Testament how the early Christians showed a common concern for each other, sharing out their possessions. We understand too that as churches, we are part of one body in Christ, but dependent upon each other (1 Corinthians).

The Diocese does not receive any funding from the government and contributes to the National Church, so we must raise everything we spend ourselves.

By giving into the Common Fund, we are embodying biblical principles and the generosity at the heart of the first Christian communities.

This is about a shared sense of responsibility to everyone in our Church family, so that all can flourish.

Supporting each other in this way means that every parish, no matter what their setting or financial situation, can receive the ministers and Diocesan administrative support they need in order to further the shared mission of the Church across the communities of the Diocese.

“In the climate of a cost-of-living crisis, communities such as ours have been hit terribly hard. We seek to serve as best we can by being the Gospel in action.

This is only possible because the Diocese has the bigger picture and because the Common Fund exists to support our mission and outreach."

The Rev Mandy Young,  Priest-in-Charge, St Alban and St Edmund, Dartford

How it works

Each parish’s ability to contribute is different.

To help, parishes are provided with an Indicative Offer, to act as a helpful guide.

There are three elements:

  • Cost of direct ministry - based on the number of full-time equivalent clergy in the parish
  • A share of central costs
  • A contribution to wider diocesan mission, calculated as 10% of unrestricted income

Parishes are encouraged to be realistic but generous, as every contribution makes a difference.

Materials to share

We want everyone to be able to understand how the Common Fund works and to have an appreciation of the costs involved in funding the mission and ministry of the Diocesan family.

Understanding is really important, as it enables churches to make informed and joyful decisions about their giving. To help, the following materials are available to download, watch and share:

The Common Fund

The bigger picture of the diocesan family

Resources to help conversations around giving and generosity
The Giving section of our website is full of information to help parishes to have conversations around giving. From topics such as running a giving campaign, exploring online and digital giving, legacies, and other national resources.

Liz Mullins, our Generous Giving Adviser is also available and happy to support parishes with how to talk about giving and generosity in their setting. Please contact her on:


Key Contacts

The Finance Team

Get in touch




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