Our vision

Called Together is our shared vision across the Diocese to Grow disciples, Enrich communities and Resource one another in our mission and ministry.

People from across the Diocese helped shape the vision by responding to the call to discern what the Holy Spirit might be calling them to do and be in their local setting, as well as what needed to change.

A recent review and ‘direction sense check’ of this vision, plus the Covid-19 pandemic, offered an opportunity to reflect on progress and consider carefully where our focus should be going forward.

In the light of all this, we established five priorities, based on the five marks of mission, to guide next steps.

These Called Together priorities are:


Enabling each church to be mission minded
Helping resource parishes to understand their community and to build assurance in people that they can tell their own story of God’s love in Christ; that there is a time and a place to share this with others.
Helping children, young people and adults live out everyday faith in Jesus
Whether a person is drawn to lay or ordained ministry in the Church, or is called to living out their faith right where they are.
Supporting loving service in local communities
Understanding that our mission is to the whole person and every initiative to meet human need is a sign of the coming kingdom of God.
Speaking and responding to the prophetic voice of justice and peace
To speak up for justice, to speak up for peace, and to be open to hear the prophetic voice ourselves, for the Church has much it needs to put right.
Protecting creation’s life for future generations
As part of our prophetic calling, we commit to speak about our role in caring for God’s creation, to work for the protection of the natural world and to equip Christians and churches to care for it.


They are, if you like, 5 Es: evangelism, everyday faith, engagement with communities, equity, environment.

 We believe that the challenges we have faced have shown how much we have to offer, and that the gifts we have been given by God are there to help us share the Good News. 


Useful resources
  • Read more about our story as a diocesan family in our latest Annual Report here
  • You can also learn more about how we are living out our vision in Faith in Action


Key Contacts

Claire Boxall

Head of Programmes

Get in touch


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