Together magazine

Together is the free printed magazine for the people and churches across the area of the Diocese

From news, articles, discussion pieces and personal stories of faith, Together magazine is the quarterly magazine sharing the story of the people and places of our Diocesan family.

There is nothing quite like having something tangible to pick up and read, and so after a break due to the pandemic, we are delighted that Together is now back in parishes in printed form - it is still available to share digitally.

Together is the ideal resource to share with congregation members, occasional visitors, as well as those who are not so readily online. 

For convenience, small consignments of magazines are now sent to every incumbent or church warden where a parish is in vacancy - we hope this will make it easier for copies to be placed directly in each church. 
If you would like to discuss changing the number of copies received by your church, or amend who receives the copies, please email: 

Find editions below

Together - August to October 2024

Together - May to July 2024

Together - February to April 2024

Together - November to January 2024

Together - August to October 2023

Together - May to July 2023

Together - February - April 2023

Together - November 2022 to January 2023

Together - August to October 2022


Key Contacts

Jennifer Ross

Head of Communications

Get in touch

Katerina Gerhardt

Communications Assistant

Get in touch

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