
As a Diocese we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously and we are committed to ensuring that our churches and buildings are safe places for all.

Welcome to our Safeguarding pages.

We want to make sure you find the safeguarding support or advice you need. Please choose one of the options in the table below that best describes you, or browse the tabs to the left.

On this page you will also find information about how to:

To read an overview of our Past Cases Review 2 please click here


Support for victims and survivors 
Reporting abuse can be hard. If you have been abused or are being abused now, there is help and support available. Please visit our dedicated page for victims and survivors.
I am a child or young person 
If you are a child or young person who is worried about something you or someone else has experienced in a church, online or elsewhere, please visit our dedicated page for children and young people.
I am an adult
If you are an adult concerned about something you or another person has experienced, please visit our dedicated page for adults.
I hold a role in a parish
If you are a parish or church role holder looking for guidance and information about safeguarding, please visit our dedicated page for parishes.
I am a Parish Safeguarding Officer
If you are a Parish Safeguarding Officer looking for support to carry out your role, please visit our dedicated page for Parish Safeguarding Officers


If you still can't find what you are looking for, please contact one of our Safeguarding Team - you can find their details at the end of this page.


Report a safeguarding concern

If you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm, please contact one of our Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers (office hours):

The Rochester Diocesan Safeguarding Team is available Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:00 (excluding bank holidays). For safeguarding advice outside of these hours please see the following options:

  • For non-urgent enquires email the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who will respond as soon as possible during office hours.
  • For urgent safeguarding advice contact your local social services, out of hours contacts can be found on their websites.  
  • If someone is at risk of immediate harm contact the police on 999


For more general support:


Raising a complaint or concern about our safeguarding practice

As a Safeguarding Team, we endeavour to provide the highest level of professional service and support as possible. However, if you are concerned about any safeguarding practice or service you have seen or received either from the team, a church, or another part of the Diocesan support structure, please do contact us.

If you do not feel comfortable raising it with the team directly, you can approach the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel, an independent panel chaired by Dr Liza Thompson -

For more information about the Panel please visit the Governance and Synods page.

View a short video message from our DSAP chair below.



Key Contacts

Greg Barry

Lead Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07585 952174

Get in touch

Caroline Smith

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07768 036590

Get in touch

Anthony Glockling

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07825 315748

Get in touch

Alison Jones

Safeguarding Administrator

Get in touch


Ruth Campbell

Safeguarding Trainer
07585 101624

Get in touch




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