Annual Report and Accounts


 "We have continued to build on our confidence in God and in one another, by beginning in earnest the work we need to ensure we have a flourishing and hopeful future." 

The Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Gibbs, Bishop of Rochester


‘Forward with ambition and vision’ is the theme of the Annual Report and Accounts of the Diocese of Rochester for 2023.

Download our Annual Report and Accounts for 2023

As well as telling the financial story of the Diocese, the Report reflects upon the activity and impact of parishes and the diocesan office teams in bringing about the Kingdom of God within our local communities over the previous year. 

They offer a snapshot of how we as a diocesan family continue to move forward around our shared Called Together vision and priorities, despite the ongoing challenges being faced in the Church and world.

Twenty-twenty-three has seen us engage on what a vision for the future should look like, and the plan needed to bring it about. 

Matthew Girt, Diocesan Secretary

In this year's report

We hope you will take a moment to look through the report, in which you will find:

  • A message from the Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Gibbs
  • Messages from Matthew Girt, Diocesan Secretary, and Nigel Pope, Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance
  • The story and progress of how as a diocesan family we have been working towards our five priorities:
    • Enabling each church to be mission-minded 
    • Helping children, young people, and adults live out everyday faith in Jesus
    • Supporting loving service in local communities
    • Speaking and responding to the prophetic voice of justice and peace
    • Protecting creation’s life for future generations
  • An outline of our future plans
  • Overview of our income and expenditure
  • An account of our financial strategy 


Download our Annual Report and Accounts for 2023


Help share the story

Please feel free to share a link to our Annual Report and Accounts. Additionally, we have the following available:

  • Download and read a pdf copy of our Annual Report and Accounts
  • Printed posters - Poster showing Our Year in Numbers and Our Financial Overview will be sent to parishes in the next delivery of Together magazines in August 2024.
  • Download a poster - You can also download, print, and share versions of each poster by clicking on one of the images below:

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