
There is no ‘hidden secret’ when it comes to prayer. Anyone can pray, at any time and in any place.

Talking to God - praying - is to make our hearts ready to experience the love of God. Praying regularly helps us to develop a spiritual rhythm.

Learning to pray

There is no ‘hidden secret’ when it comes to prayer. Anyone can pray, at any time and in any place. It is as simple as talking to a friend. In this case Jesus. It can begin in a moment and takes a lifetime to explore.

Sometimes we need to offer ‘arrow prayers’, asking for God’s immediate help in a particular situation. But thankfully we don't live all our lives in moments of extreme crisis. But what about day-to-day praying?

Use your hand as a model

Your fingers can be used to bring to mind different things to pray for.

This is the strongest digit on your hand. Give thanks for all the strong things in your life, like home and family, relationships that support and sustain you.
Index finger
This is the pointing finger. Pray for all those people and things in your life who guide and help you. Friends, teachers, doctors, nurses, emergency services and so on.
Middle finger
This is the tallest finger. Pray for all the important people who have power in the world, like world leaders and their governments, members of parliament and local councillors, the Royal Family, other world leaders and their governments.
Ring finger
This is the weakest finger on your hand. It can’t do much by itself. Remember the poor, the weak, the helpless, the hungry, the sick, the ill and the bereaved.
Little finger
This is the smallest and the last finger on your hand. Pray for yourself.

Other useful resources to explore:


Repetitive Prayer

Many people find repetitive prayer helpful. Having the words provided - the same every day – can stop us from worrying about what we are saying, and allow us to concentrate on God.

Find a time and a place that works for you, decide what you need to keep you thinking about God (a picture, perhaps, or a clutter-free space) and a posture that feels comfortable – and begin.

The Time To Pray app or The Book of Common Prayer may give you some ideas, or the basis for your own prayers.


Praying for Others

Jesus told his disciples always to pray and not give up (Luke 18 1- 8). Praying for others is also known as intercessory prayer.

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone " (1 Timothy 2.1-6)

Some people use a Cycle of Prayer, as a way of praying methodically for the work of our parishes, chaplaincies and our brothers and sisters around the world. 

Here are some resources we use in this Diocese that you may also like to share:

Calendar of Daily Intercessions
The Calendar of Intercessions offers a daily suggestion of prayer for the life of the Diocese, its people, parishes, church schools and chaplaincies. The calendar is available on the free Prayer Mate App. You can also download it as a document here
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
For many years, the Anglican Cycle of Prayer has been one of the most popular resources produced by the Anglican Communion Office - a family of Anglican churches of which the Church of England is a part - in more than 165 countries Through the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, Anglicans around the world have been united in praying on the same day for the same dioceses or area.
Praying the Way
The Fellowship of Pray-ers is committed to regularly praying for the parishes in their own deaneries, as well as the wider Diocese.  They coordinate Praying the Way’ - a set of prayers submitted by areas from across the Diocese for members of the fellowship to commit to as a discipline of prayer around the points shared. 

Explore more ways to pray

Every person has their own unique way of praying: there are no rights and wrongs. 

But for those who are still searching for a (new) way that suits them, or in those moments when inspiration has run dry and God’s voice and presence seem to have faded, the Diocese has put together The Prayer Pack to offer some guidance and new ideas.

Find out more


Other useful resources and material

Diocese of Rochester Calendar of Intercessions: March-April 2025
Praying the Way - Current month
The Prayer Pack
Closer Course

Key Contacts

The Rev Canon Susanne Carlsson

Coordinator of Spirituality

Get in touch


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