A number of grants are available to allow clergy to continue with their ongoing development as well other aspects of their clergy life.
On this page, we give information about the grants that the Diocese is able to pay to support clergy
First appointments grants
Removal costs and expenses
Resettlement grants
Continuing Ministerial Development Grants
Hardship and other funding
First appointments Grants
The Diocese will make a grant of 10% of the National Minimum Stipend to clergy taking up a first appointment to a living or to a post of similar status and to those taking up their first appointment after ordination. The current amount available can be obtained from the Diocesan Office.
- Domestic goods (eg carpets and curtains) intended to replace items used at the old residence which are not suitable for use in the new residence;
- Ecclesiastical robes;
- Books for use in the conduct of services
Removal costs and expenses
The Diocese is responsible for the cost of clergy removals (ie "the van") on taking up a full-time stipendiary post within the Diocese and the removal will be carried out in accordance with the corporate contract arranged by the DBF. The contract includes a full packing service.
The contractor will undertake the dismantling/reassembly of beds and desks, but other items would be chargeable to you directly. The removal contractor will not ask you to pay any deposit for packing materials. Your goods need to be insured whilst in transit and your own contents policy may cover this.
Please let us know if it does not, as the Diocese can arrange insurance through the EIG.
Resettlement grants
The Diocese will make a grant of up to 10% of the National Minimum Stipend to a stipendiary person towards the cost of any necessary alterations to or purchases of furnishings and other expenses incidental to the removal, i.e. towards the cost of domestic goods intended to replace items used at the old residence which are not suitable for use in the new residence.
The reimbursement of any of these costs is subject to receipts being provided to confirm the expenditure actually incurred. Therefore Resettlement Grant payments are paid after invoices or estimates have been submitted to the Diocesan Office.
This can be done in the weeks leading up to your move; scanned/emailed copies of receipts are acceptable.
Continual Ministerial Development grants
All licensed clergy can apply for a personal CMD grant. Grants are made available to support ministerial development review (MDR) outcomes.
Personal Grants can be issued in two ways: -
1) via your bank account
2) by direct deduction from your personal CMD allowance for fees associated with events organised by the Diocese of Rochester.
Retrospective payments are not possible: an application should be received, and payment agreed, before the event you are attending.
You are asked to send in a brief evaluative report as soon as possible after the event you have attended. As well as a brief description of the event itself], some comments on the learning and value you have derived should be included. If the CMD grant was awarded as an outcome of your MDR this must be reported in your next MDR. CMD grant Reports are requested for two reasons: -
- Firstly, the writing of a report can help to focus your own reflections and consolidate the learning.
- Secondly, these reports help those responsible for CMD to know what events, venues, etc. clergy are finding valuable and useful.
An evaluation sheet is provided by the Formation & Ministry Team for you to use if you prefer. This can be downloaded from the diocesan website and sent by email to training@rochester.anglican.org
Hardship and other funding
For many clergy, the current cost of living increases are causing considerable concern. Below we detail some of the diocesan, as well as external support available,
- Clergy Hardship Relief Grant (Autumn 2022) - Thanks to a grant drawn down from the Church Commissioners, the Diocese is offering a one-off hardship grant of £340 to any stipendiary clergy and those for whom the Diocese provides housing who considers they need it to help cover their costs. All a colleague needs to do to access the support is to fill in an online questionnaire confirming they need the grant. It is offered on a one grant per household basis. You don’t need to justify why you need it, just that you consider you do.
- Find out more about the Fund - Read the letter from Bishop Jonathan (October 2022)
- Access the Hardship Fund form
- Dr Plume's Trust - The purpose of the Trust is to 'assist necessitous stipendiary clergy' (beneficed or licensed), within the area of the old Diocese of Rochester. This means, the whole area of the present Diocese of Rochester except for Bredhurst, Linton, Penge, Rainham, St. Mark, Broadwater Down. For full information download this leaflet (word direct download).
- The Churches Mutual Credit Union (CMCU) - is now offering car loans. Many providers offer loans details of which can be found online.
- Clergy Support Trust provides support to Anglican clergy (serving and retired) and ordinands, and their families, in the UK & Ireland.
- The Henry Smith Charity is an independent grant-making trust that was founded in 1628. The Henry Smith Charity offers a range of grants, including individual support to serving Anglican clergy. Grants are made twice a year through the Bishop’s Office.