Parish Giving Scheme

The Diocese of Rochester has joined the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). This is a mechanism for parishes to receive donations via Direct Debit. 


The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an established service for managing Direct Debit giving, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. It reduces the burden of work on church volunteers and provides a simple and secure service to givers.

On this page we explain:

How the scheme works
The benefits of joining the scheme
How existing doners are affected
How to launch the scheme in your parish
How the scheme is being funded
Useful information and links

How the scheme works

PGS provides simple and secure ways for every generation to give to their church with confidence; online, by phone, or by posting a giving form. By providing simple and secure ways for givers to give regularly, churches benefit from improved cash flow and a resilient and reliable funding stream.

It works in the following simple way:

  1. The parish registers with the PGS. 
  2. Individual members of the congregation will then join and set up a Direct Debit. 
  3. Money comes back to the parish each month.  The PGS will process gift aid claims and return the money as soon as it comes in from HMRC.
  4. The treasurer (or whoever is the ‘statement receiver’) will receive a statement each month showing who has donated and how much.

Once a PCC decides to join the PGS it should make a resolution to that effect and contact Liz Mullins, Generous Giving Adviser, for a registration form. 

Watch this short film to find out more about how the scheme works.


The benefits of joining the scheme

There are a number of benefits for both givers and parishes.

As a donor, the scheme enables you to:

  • Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
  • Sign up to inflation-linked giving annually, if you choose
  • Enhance your gift to the parish by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your giving
  • Give anonymously, if you prefer
  • Give securely

As a parish:

  • There is less admin in processing gift aid claims and keeping track of standing orders.  This will reduce the treasurer’s workload significantly.
  • Donors can opt to increase their gift annually in line with inflation, so their gift will keep up with rising costs.
  • Donors can choose to remain anonymous.

Once a PCC decides to join the PGS it should make a resolution to that effect and contact Liz Mullins for a registration form. 


How existing donors are affected

In many parishes, most people give regularly by standing order, and that is great.  Regular, planned giving is the best way for our churches to be financially stable.  We expect that not everyone will want to switch to giving by Direct Debit, and that is fine.  People will use the method of giving that suits them best.

Donors won’t notice any difference between a standing order and Direct Debit and the PGS will never change the amount taken from a bank account unless the donor has given explicit permission.


How to launch the scheme in your parish

If you are thinking about joining the Parish Giving Scheme there is good evidence to suggest launching it in your parish with a giving campaign will result in more people signing up and higher levels of giving. 

Some of you may have memories of the old ‘TRIO’ stewardship campaigns.  These were a very effective way of encouraging people to join planned giving schemes and increase their giving.  Giving campaigns today are built on the foundations of TRIO, but have changed, and recognise that our giving supports the mission of the church, and the ministry upon which that mission depends.

For more information about how to run a giving campaign, visit our Running a stewardship campaign page

Liz will be glad to work with your parish on this. If you would like Liz to come to your PCC to talk about Parish Giving Scheme or running a giving campaign please contact her on:


How the scheme is being funded

The service is freely available to all parishes, their churches and donors, within dioceses that have chosen to participate.

As a Diocese, we consider there to be economies of scale in this system so although the Diocese is paying for the service, the fee is modest. 

We believe there will be an increase in giving and givers, which will offset the expense and make more money available for ministry and mission across the diocese.


Useful links and information

If you have any questions about the scheme, please contact, Liz Mullins, Giving Adviser on:

Key Contacts

Liz Mullins

Diocesan Geneous Giving Adviser

Get in touch


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