Mission and Growth

A mixed group of people stand smiling in a church hall kitchen as part of a church community cafe.

“It is our prayer that we will encounter the Holy Spirit working in all sorts of unexpected ways as we pray and ponder, prioritise and plan.” (Bishop Simon Burton-Jones)

When he describes the Kingdom of God, one of the comparisons Jesus uses is that of a mustard seed; so small as to seem insignificant, yet which grows into a tree where life flourishes.

Called to Grow is a five-step process developed as part of the Diocese's Called Together vision, to encourage and equip churches to consider the whole life of their church community, and what God may be asking of it. It is underpinned by prayer and adaptable to any setting.

On this page we cover

The five steps
Why we should engage with Called to Grow
What happens to Called to Grow plans
Some questions you may have
Other useful links

The five steps

The five simple steps of Called to Grow, use intentional planning and reviewing to shape our love for Christ and focus our energies so we are more effective in all we do as a Church.

Step 1: Who are we? As a church, within our community

Step 2: What does this mean? For the church within our community 

Step 3: What now? To be the church we need to be within our community

Step 4: Let’s do it! With the church and our community

Step 5: What has happened?  Within our church and our community?

Download the toolkit.

Why we should engage with Called to Grow

As a diocesan family, we long to see people come to know and love God. The steps aim to help us clarify God’s call to action, help shape our response and ensure that this response is effective.

The plans will have measurable outcomes so we are all able to recognise and celebrate God at work through us.

What happens to Called to Grow plans

Each parish’s plan will be reviewed by the Archdeacon and the Archdeaconry Steering Group. Together they have an overview of resources and deployment across your Archdeaconry; the plans will provide additional information to help their decision making.

Depending on your plan it may be appropriate for you to network with other churches, partner with external organisations, or work with the Growth Enablers.They will also form part of a parish profile used during a clergy vacancy.

Diocesan grants such as the Children and Young Peoples Fund and the Missional Property Fund are available to parishes who have an active Called to Grow plan.

The Called to Grow process is designed to be active and cyclical, helping us continuously seek God’s prompting and working to grow his Kingdom.


Some questions you may have

We already have a Mission Action Plan, do we need a Called to Grow plan too?
A. Take a look at the toolkit and the template for Called to Grow plans. If you feel your Mission Action Plan will fit into the Called to Grow structure then go ahead that’s great. If not, a conversation with your Area Dean or Archdeacon may help you decide the best way forward in your church – either you can wait and use the Called to Grow process next time around, or they would like you to complete it soon.
We are in a multi-parish benefice, how many Called to Grow plans do we need to do?
The simplest answer is that every PCC should have a Called to Grow plan. If you have more than one PCC in a multi-parish benefice there should be some common aims and connectivity in your plans. For example, you might have an overall shared vision for your communities and individual projects.


Other useful links

As you think about your church's mission, you may also be interested in exploring our other pages on:

Community Engagement
Ministries and Initiatives
Faith in Action


Key Contacts

Claire Boxall 

Head of Programmes

Get in touch



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