Cream Tea deliveries hit the spot


Shirley Hayes is an Anna Friend at St. George's Church Weald near Sevenoaks.

Anna Chaplains and Anna Friends are a dedicated ministry in the Diocese, ensuring that older people in a community of strong, little or no faith (including those with dementia) have their spiritual needs met.

Shirley and her team have been doing all sorts during lockdown, including delivering gift bags to older people in the CAMEO Club (Come and Meet Each Other) and delivering a quality cream tea to replace the group’s usual Summer Outing.

Other gift bags have been themed around Harvest, Christmas and St Valentine's Day. Shirley and her fellow Anna Friend, Sarah Griffiths, are keeping in regular touch with older people in the village by telephone at the moment. Shirley rings 20 people each week.

We gather the high class Cream Teas are really hitting the spot!

**Text taken The Bible Reading Fellowship's Anna Chaplaincy blog. Read more here


First published on: 1st March 2021
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