New honorary canons announced

Seven new honorary canons have been announced today, Monday 3 March, to join the College of Canons as part of the Cathedral Foundation.

The canons have a particular role in helping the Cathedral maintain its links with the Diocese and the wider Church, as well as helping the needs and concerns of the Diocese and its communities to be heard at the Cathedral.  

In confirming the appointments, Bishop Jonathan Gibbs, the Bishop of Rochester says:

"The nomination of clergy to be honorary canons is an affirmation of the ministries of those particular people, very often with an eye to that which they offer beyond the scope of their substantive post or appointment.  

"It can also be an affirmation of particular roles and callings – the value of those callings and that of the wider diocese and church.  

"I am delighted to announce that the following clergy have accepted my offer of appointment to Honorary Canonry in our Cathedral, in recognition of the contribution they have made to the life of the Church in this Diocese."

The clergy announced as Honorary Canons are:

  • The Rev Dr Miriam Barker
    Chaplain at HMP & YOI Rochester and Associate Vicar at Tonbridge St Stephens 
  • The Rev Ruth Bierbaum
    Chaplain at Medway NHS Foundation Trust 
  • The Rev Kenneth Clark
    Rector at Stone Benefice, Priest Vicar at Rochester Cathedral and Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands for Rochester Diocese 
  • The Rev Sharon Copestake 
    Formerly Archdeacon of Tonbridge, currently holding PTO in Rochester Diocese 
  • The Rev Dr Andrew Davey
    Vicar at Milton Christ Church Benefice, Inter-faith Advisor and formerly Archdeacon of Rochester 
  • The Rev Cathy Knight-Scott 
    Vicar at Sidcup St John with Footscray 
  • The Rev Martyn Saunders 
    Mission Leader at Chatham St John Mission Vicar at Chatham St Philip and St James and Area Dean for Rochester Deanery 

Two services of Installation will take place during Evensong at Rochester Cathedral, on Thursday 13 March and Thursday 3 April. Please commend these seven canons-designate to your prayers.

Further announcements regarding Lay Canons will be made in due course. 

First published on: 3rd March 2025
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