Parishes invited to pray for Companion Link Dioceses

First published on: 15th March 2021

The global storm that is Covid-19 has had a different impact in different parts of the world.

It is therefore no surprise to find that the effect on those countries with whom we have a Companion Diocese Link, has varied too.

As a Diocese, we enjoy flourishing links with Anglican communities in Harare in Zimbabwe, and Kondoa and Mpwapwa in Tanzania, as well as a friendship link with the Evangelical Estonian Lutheran Church.

As the situation regarding Covid-19 particularly in Tanzania and Zimbabwe, causes concern, parishes are being encouraged to add prayers for these Companion Links to their regular prayers.

** UPDATE -Tanzania 

Condolences have been sent to our Companion Dioceses of Kondoa and Mpwapwa following the death on Wednesday of the President of Tanzania, John Magufuli. 

His death will have come as a great shock to many Tanzanians which is now in 2 weeks of mourning. 

The son of a peasant farmer and a Catholic, he took a tough anti-corruption stance and on 3 occasions called the country to prayer and fast to combat Covid19.   Vice-President Samia Suluhu was sworn in as the new President on Friday, becoming Africa’s only current female national leader.

Please pray for Tanzania at this critical time, and for President Suluhu.  Both Bishop Given of Kondoa and Bishop Jacob of Mpwapwa are recovering from illnesses. They thank God for his help and ask us to pray for their full recovery. 

The world has been very concerned at Tanzania’s handling of the Covid19 crisis - refusing to accept vaccines, and not publishing Covid19 figures since May 2020.  Please pray for a new openness in Tanzania, and effective policies to help combat Covid19.

Mike Fawcett, the Diocese's Companion Diocese Link Coordinator says:

“In the early days of the pandemic our sisters and brothers in our Companion Dioceses were desperately praying for us as our case numbers and fatalities grew day-by-day.

"Our bonds have remained active and strong during the pandemic and have brought mutual support and comfort during this time. So, we would like to invite people to add our brothers and sisters in Tanzania and Zimbabwe to their prayers.'

A series of prayer points have been created to help parishes.

These can be accessed below:







Anyone who would like to know more about the impact of Covid-19 in our Companion Dioceses or to offer financial support, should please get in touch with the The Rev Canon David Kitley, Bishop’s Advisor for Companion Diocese Links, email:

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