Umbrellas in church mark baby loss awareness week
St Margaret’s Church in Kent has turned its ancient church roof space into a memorial to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week. Other events include a special concert and a wave of light service on Friday 15th.
A staggering four hundred pink and blue umbrellas have been hung from the 12th century beams inside St Margaret’s church in support of the baby loss charity Making Miracles for Baby Loss Awareness Week which runs from 9 to 15 October each year.
Some parents have hung a heart underneath umbrellas to remember the baby they lost. The Rev Nathan Ward, vicar of St Margaret's, says the charity’s work is incredibly important:
'It’s estimated that one in four pregnancies will end in miscarriage with some experiencing consecutive miscarriages; the trauma and grief is more than often invisible and it can be incredibly difficult to come to terms with it. What’s worse is that for the most part this is something that families go through on their own.
"Lost babies are never forgotten, even decades later families still feel the pain. Some of the dates on the hearts in church go back to the 1950s. We hope people will be able to visit when the church is open. On Friday 15th at 6.30pm we will be holding a special service of remembrance as part of the national Wave of Light where people can come to the church and remember the child and in some cases children they lost."
Baby Loss Awareness week in St Margaret’s has also featured a concert under the umbrellas featuring local talent Jamie Johnson (The Voice) and Josh Roots (pianist for Peter Andre).
On Friday 15 October, they will be holding a Baby Loss Memorial Service at 6:30pm followed by joining the national Wave of Light at 7pm. All are welcome to join them for a time of reflection.