Support for others affected by abuse or safeguarding allegation

We recognise that the impact of abuse can be wide reaching and affect people and communities beyond the victim/survivor themselves.

Alongside victims and survivors of abuse, there may be others affected who need help and support when disclosures of abuse are made, or when a safeguarding concern or allegation is made against someone known to them.

On this page you will find information about:

If you are a victim or survivor of abuse there is help and support available. Please find details on our dedicated Victim and Survivor support page

Support for others affected by abuse or allegations of abuse

When a disclosure of abuse is made and/or a safeguarding concern or allegation is made against a church officer, action may need to be taken.

This may be with statutory agencies such as the police or social services as well as any internal church action.  

When a disclosure of abuse is made or a safeguarding concern is raised against someone it can have a wide impact. 

Some of those affected can include:

  • family and friends of victims/survivors and respondents
  • clergy
  • lay ministers
  • parishes
  • PCCs
  • the wider parish community.

In these circumstances, the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, along with those involved in any internal church procedures, will consider the support needs of all those connected to or impacted by the case.

While support cannot be provided by those directly involved in managing a case, individuals can still be directed to the support options available.

These might include:

  • Assistance with arranging a pastoral supporter (this could be clergy or lay)
  • Signposting to external organisations that can offer support. Download a full list 

Specific Support for clergy and clergy families

  • The Diocesan Counselling Service: A free confidential service available to help support your well-being and mental health.  You can find details on the service on the following link - Your wellbeing - Diocese of Rochester (
  • The Sheldon Hub: Offering support to those in ministry including clergy, retired clergy, clergy spouses/partners, ordinands and some lay positions Clergy support and wellbeing (
  • Pastoral support from senior members of clergy – the Diocesan Safeguarding Team can help arrange this.
  • Supporting clergy health and wellbeing - The Church of England website lists sources of support both in and outside of the Church - Supporting clergy health and wellbeing

Support for those who are subject to a safeguarding allegation (respondent)

Church officers who are subject to a safeguarding concern or allegation within the Church of England are known as respondents.

A Link Person will be offered to all respondents who are church officers as a means of support.

External support agencies
Alongside the support of a Link Person, if you are subject to a safeguarding allegation, several other agencies can support you: 

  • If you are a member of a union, you can contact your union representative
  • - The UK's largest support network for people who've been falsely accused of rape, sexual or violent offences -
  • Kent Community Domestic Abuse Programme (CDAP) – A programme designed to help men who feel their behaviour towards their partner has been, or is still, abusive. Funding may be available for those who live within certain areas of Kent, however, the programme is open to all, including those who live outside of Kent.
  • Stop it now (Lucy Faithfull Foundation) - Support for those concerned about their own thoughts and behaviours as well as the behaviours of others. The Lucy Faithfull Foundation - Stop It Now
  • Respect – Working with perpetrators of domestic abuse offering meaningful opportunities to change:
  • The Police - A page listing several agencies that can support offenders and their families. Support for offenders and their families | (

Click to download a full list of external organisations that can offer support


Key contacts

Greg Barry

Lead Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07585 952174

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Caroline Smith

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07768 036590

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Anthony Glockling

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07825 315748

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Alison Jones

Safeguarding Administrator

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Ruth Campbell

Safeguarding Trainer
07585 101624

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