Support for lay leaders

If you are currently serving as a Lay Minister in the Diocese of Rochester, then this page is for you.

The wellbeing of our ministers - both lay and ordained - is a key priority for Rochester Diocese. We know that life in ministry - whether it's your full-time 'job' or something you balance with other work and commitments, can be hugely demanding.

On this page we cover the support available to you as you continue to grow and develop in your ministry:

Warden for Lay Ministry
Ongoing training
Lay Ministry Conference
Your wellbeing
Useful links, forms and guidance


Warden of Lay Ministry

Mandy Holloway is the Warden of Lay Ministry - a dedicated role and the main contact for you as a Licensed Lay Minister. 

Alongside her are two volunteer Deputy Wardens for each Archdeaconry whose role includes:

  • supporting Lay Ministry in their area,
  • presenting LLMs who are licensed to new parishes,
  • facilitating 12 months post-licensing reviews,
  • meeting new incumbents; and,
  • being a listening ear for Lay Ministers, when needed.

Many of our training cohorts remain in touch with each other after developing strong bonds in training, but the Lay Ministry team offers additional support to Lay Ministers in a range of ways. This is particularly important when an incumbent leaves the parish, so twice-yearly events are now offered for Lay Ministers and their Churchwardens who are starting a parish vacancy.


Ongoing training

Most Continous Ministerial Development (CMD) offered by the Diocese is open to both lay and ordained ministers, and attending an event as a ministry team is a good way of thinking through an issue and putting it into practice.

While most forthcoming training opportunities will be posted in Events and Training, some will be made known to you directly via the Warden of Lay Ministry.


Lay Ministry Conference

The annual Lay Ministry day conference takes place in the autumn with the Bishop in attendance. It is also the occasion when licences are renewed.

In addition, every five years, we have an Archdeaconry Celebration of Lay Ministry networking day


Communication and networks

Lay Ministers receive a quarterly newsletter – 'Lay Ministry Matters' - which is prepared by the Lay Ministry team. There is also a Lay Ministry in Rochester Diocese Facebook page, which shares interesting Lay Ministry news and resources.

Two of Rochester’s Licensed Ministers are trustees of the Central Readers’ Council and have been encouraging the move for CRC to extend their support to a wider range of Lay Ministries, which is reflected in the content of the Transforming Ministry magazine.

The Diocese's weekly Digest email is an important source of information in our Diocese. It is sent directly to all role-holders in the Diocese and there is an expectation that role holders, will read and act on the relevant information it contains.

If you are not already receiving The Digest, please subscribe here


Your wellbeing

The wellbeing of our ministers - both lay and ordained - is a key priority for Rochester Diocese. We know that life in ministry - whether it's your full-time 'job' or something you balance with other work and commitments, can be hugely demanding, and we are working hard to make sure we can support our ministers.

As part of this, the Diocesan Counselling and Well-Being Network is available. Visit our dedicated Your Well-Being page for more details.


Useful links, forms and guidance

Find all documents you need to assist you in your ministry below or you can also visit the Lay Ministry section of Documents:


Bishop's Guidelines - a handbook providing answers to some of the most commonly asked questions by those in ministry in the Diocese. The handbook is compiled by the Bishop's Chaplain and is regularly updated.
Lay Funeral Ministry 
About Holy Communion by extension
Resourcing Sunday to Saturday Faith
Rochester Diocese - The Bishop's Certificate


Bishop Simon's notes to the Lay Ministry Conference, 2022
Latest Lay Ministry Mailing
October 2024 newsletter


Lay Ministry Working Agreement template
Working Agreement for Lay Ministers with PTO
Working Agreement for Lay Ministers with PTM
PTM Renewal Form
PTO Renewal Form

Flow Chart for Lay Ministers
Preparing for your LMDR
Summary of Outcomes


Church of England Safeguarding Training portal
Continual Ministerial Development (Diocese of Rochester)
Transforming Ministry


Key Contacts

Mandy Holloway

Warden of Lay Ministry 

Get in touch

Tricia Cliffe

Secretary to the Warden of Lay Ministry

Get in touch

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